‘State of the Region’ centers on housing, transportation, commercial growth

Date: September 13, 2023


Eight North Shore municipal leaders provided updates on their community during The Chamber’s State of the Region breakfast at the Boston Marriott Peabody Wednesday.

Each discussed the areas of  housing, transportation and traffic, and business development/new commercial growth, and shared progress and successes of their community and overall impact on the North Shore.

Addressing the audience of business leaders were: Mayor Kassandra Gove, Amesbury; Mayor Mike Cahill, Beverly; Town Manager Steve Bartha, Danvers; Mayor Greg Verga, Gloucester; Mayor Jared Nicholson, Lynn; Mayor Sean Reardon, Newburyport; Mayor Ted Bettencourt, Peabody, and Mayor Dominick Pangallo, Salem.

The State of the Region was sponsored by Title Sponsors Mayflower Recovery, UniCare, Correnti Kolick LLP, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts, Chapters Recovery Center and Enbridge, as well as many Presenting and Bronze Sponsors.


