Ambassador Program

Chamber Ambassadors are a special group of people who volunteer their time to help promote the North Shore Chamber and its member businesses. Ambassadors exhibit the highest degree of professionalism and embrace an attitude that is positive, supportive and welcoming to all. Ambassadors support and represent the North Shore Chamber of Commerce, recruit new members and improve member rendition, while promoting their firm’s services.

The Ambassador’s Job Description:

  • Provide a one-year or more commitment to the Ambassador program.
  • Recruit new members throughout year
  • Greet and assist current and prospective members at events.
  • Make welcoming calls to new and current members and provide a friendly greeting.
  • Promote North Shore area businesses to each other.
  • Encourage attendance at Chamber functions.
  • Participate at business receptions and events, member orientations, networking meetings, leads groups, membership drive and other important Chamber events.