Free workshop on creating workforce development pathways

Learn how to interpret CORI reports and provide valuable employment opportunities for previously incarcerated individuals

Date: September 16, 2024


The Greater Lynn Chamber is partnering with the Executive Office of Public Safety and Security (EOPSS) and MassHire BizWorks to present a free workshop, “Creating Successful Workforce Development Pathways,” on Friday, Sept. 27, from 8 a.m. to noon at MPTC Lynnfield, 425 Walnut St., Lynnfield.

The workshop will highlight CORI training, and include WFD/Reentry Resources Panel featuring multi-disciplinary staff from the Department of Correction and EOPSS.

This half-day training will provide a complete overview of the CORI system including what is contained in an individual’s Criminal Record and how to interpret specific charges and dispositions. Attendees will also receive information regarding policies associated with a MA CORI when utilizing an individual’s criminal record for employment opportunities. There will be an opportunity to hear about best practices, educational opportunities, and industry-based vocational training being offered to residents of the Department of Corrections.

Employers, human resource professionals, hiring managers, and community service providers will learn how to effectively interpreting criminal records of prospective employees to enhance their business operations and provide valuable employment opportunities for previously incarcerated individuals.

All welcome; advance registration is requested.